Next was a short and sweet letter by Gabor & Bournaud arXiv:1310.1923 which discusses a possible modification to the "standard picture" (if there really is one) of high redshift galaxy formation. Essentially, the current picture is that star formation feedback/turbulence/etc. support the disks of galaxies against gravitational collapse, and this equilibrium is what determines the star formation rate of a galaxy as it forms in isolation (not taking into account mergers). The problem with that model is that it seems to predict gas fractions at z 2 that are too low; that is, real galaxies aren't eating up their gas as fast as they "should be". These authors suggest a model where the high specific mass inflow rates (M(inflow)/M(total)) at high redshift (z 3-5) cause the mass inflows to couple with the disk itself and increase their velocity dispersion (puffing them up). This makes them more stable against collapse, which reduces the star formation rate and allows them to hold on to more gas down to z
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