Ludwig Lagerstedt has not only been famous as an ANOMALY, but he has also made his family recognized in the world through this Alias. Ludwig Lagerstedt has a second channel named Papanomaly, where he uploads videos with his father. Although ANOMALY is presently residing in Malta since early 2018, he is from Sweden.
Some, like the Cheyenne, were as tall as the Americans today. All, with the exception of the Comanche, were as tall as the contemporary white Americans, and most were taller than them. This was not too difficult, because during the second half of the nineteenth century the heights of native-born white Americans were declining. The average height of American males born in 1850 was 171 cm, and 40 years later it fell down to 169 cm.
How Tall Is Anomaly
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I expect your points about diet and environment are the main reasons for the height difference, but I also have to wonder about the impact of the physical violence. Was being tall a bigger contributor to survival in warfare in pre-gunpowder days? On the other hand, maybe being a bit shorter is not so bad when your main danger on the battlefield is not an axe or spear, but a bullet? The Europeans and Native Americans had been subject to somewhat different battlefield selection pressures for the previous few generations.
I agree with these points. Yet, skeletal data suggest that American Indians were quite tall before the European contact. More generally, hunter-gatherers are typically taller than farmers, especially early farmers who have just taken agriculture.
If hunter-gatherers are typically taller than farmers, why is it interesting that american natives were taller than europeans? It does not seem to be the case with south american natives which were all farmers
I counted 29 of them, including Aiyegbusi. The majority of these tall men are offensive tackles or defensive ends, though there are a few exceptions, including a guard (Dennis Kelly of the Eagles), a tight end (Levine Toilolo of the Falcons) and a quarterback (Brock Osweiler of the Broncos).
Anyway, while Aiyegbusi is the tallest player on their 90-man roster, the Vikings do have three other offensive tackles who are 6-foot-7 or taller in left tackle Matt Kalil (6-foot-7), right tackle Phil Loadholt (6-foot-8) and backup Carter Bykowski (6-foot-7). Throw in Antonio "Tiny" Richardson (6-foot-6) and Mike Harris (6-foot-5) and every Vikings offensive tackle is at least 6-foot-5.
Although the karyotype 47,XYY is relatively common, observed in 1 in every 1,000 live male births, the 47,XYY syndrome and its phenotypes are not well-understood2). Additionally, there are no specific clinical manifestations in most boys with the XYY karyotype. Diagnosis of an XYY karyotype is delayed (mean age at diagnosis is 17.1 years) and only 15% of patients are diagnosed with XYY syndrome3,4,5). A few studies have reported that the phenotype of XYY syndrome includes physical abnormalities such as tall stature and behavioral and psychiatric problems, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD)4,6). Learning difficulties and delayed language skills have been associated with XYY syndrome. However, methods for precisely evaluating and treating XYY syndrome have not been established. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the clinical manifestations of XYY syndrome is required.
Few case reports and studies have been published regarding the characteristics of XYY syndrome (Table 1). XYY syndrome is a sex chromosome variation in which males have a 47,XYY karyotype due to an additional Y chromosome. This 47,XYY karyotype results from parental nondisjunction during the second meiotic division7). Although most men with XYY syndrome are not diagnosed4), boys with the 47,XYY karyotype may have various phenotypes. In a cohort study conducted by Bardsley et al.8), boys with the XYY chromosome usually have tall stature starting at the age of approximately 6 years. Although the exact cause of tall stature remains unknown, an extra copy of the short stature homeobox gene may be associated with tall stature9). In addition, various physical phenotypes in men with XYY syndrome may be observed, such as macrocephaly, macroorchidism, hypotonia, hypertelorism, and tremor8). Other phenotypes, such as acne, atopy, and asthma, have also been associated with XYY syndrome8,10). Such phenotypes have been associated with an extra Y chromosome, although this remains unclear. The patient in our case showed only tall stature without any other phenotypes and physical features.
The eye problems in Peters plus syndrome occur in an area at the front part of the eye known as the anterior segment. The anterior segment consists of structures including the lens, the colored part of the eye (iris), and the clear covering of the eye (cornea). An eye problem called Peters anomaly is the most common anterior segment abnormality seen in Peters plus syndrome. Peters anomaly involves abnormal development of the anterior segment, which results in a cornea that is cloudy (opaque) and causes blurred vision. Peters anomaly may also be associated with clouding of the lenses of the eyes (cataracts) or other lens abnormalities. Peters anomaly is usually bilateral, which means that it affects both eyes. The severity of corneal clouding and other eye problems can vary between individuals with Peters plus syndrome, even among members of the same family. Many people with Peters plus syndrome experience vision loss that worsens over time.
Time evolution of height anomaly (positive is solid and negative is dashed; 4 10-gpm interval) and temperature anomaly (shading; 2-K interval) at the 700-hPa level for (a) 0000 UTC 29 Oct, (b) 1800 UTC 29 Oct, (c) 0000 UTC 30 Oct, and (d) 0000 UTC 31 Oct 2012.
Figure 2 gives an illustration of this decomposition for the 300-hPa geopotential height (GPH) and temperature at 0000 UTC 28 April 2011. The total variables or full fields are shown in Fig. 2a, where there are both zonal waves along latitudes and vortices with circled GPH centers, such as a vortex (V1) in northeast China and a vortex (V2) on the west coast of North America. The corresponding climatology of GPH and temperature is shown in Fig. 2c, along with the wind climatology shown in Fig. 2b. On the climatological fields, there are only waves zonally along latitudes with no local vortices. These waves are atmospheric tides which are forced by solar radiation and surface characteristics as well as solar and lunar gravitation. Although the climatology might have a small change in the long-term trend (at decadal or longer scales) forced by solar radiation intensity fluctuation and human activity, this small trend change should have little impact on anomalous signals related to daily weather disturbances on an anomaly weather map. Unlike climatology, the anomaly map (Fig. 2d) shows mainly local vortices (GPH and temperature anomalies) but rarely zonal waves. There are many positive and negative centers of GPH and temperature anomalies, particularly in extratropical regions. For instance, in the central United States there was a cold/low center (C) while in the eastern United States there was a warm/high center (W). These anomalies were associated with a severe tornadic storm in the southern United States (Qian et al. 2019b; as well as Fig. 14 below). These cold and warm centers as well as low (vortex) and high (antivortex) centers reflect not only temperature and pressure anomalies but also wind anomalies, because these anomalous systems satisfy the geostrophic balance horizontally and the hydrostatic balance vertically (Chen et al. 2017; Qian et al. 2016d,e).
Third, given enhanced disturbance signals, either the time or spatial evolution of an event or a series of events is much easier to observe on an anomaly map. Figure 6a shows a time sequence of anomalous temperature and geopotential height in Beijing over a winter month (December 2016). The eight upper-air abnormally warm periods (causing temperature inversions near the surface) were clearly observed, which exactly correspond to the eight air pollution episodes (Fig. 6b) (Qian and Huang 2019). The abnormality of the warm episode is also positively correlated to the severity and duration of the air pollution. However, these characteristics are not obviously visible in the conventional weather maps (not shown). By examining the spatial evolution of consecutive anomaly maps, the involved physical processes or interactions with surrounding weather systems can also be clearly observed. For example, Fig. 7 vividly shows the extratropical transition process of 2012 U.S. Hurricane Sandy when the hurricane made landfall and merged with an anomalous cold air mass from the northwest. This merging process with the cold cored anomalous low was also apparent in anomaly vertical cross-section charts (Qian et al. 2016a). For large-scale and distant meteorological connections (such as teleconnections), anomaly weather maps have obvious advantages over full-field weather maps. On anomaly weather maps one can clearly relate an anomalous event in one area to other anomalous weather systems in remote areas. For example, Du et al. (2013) showed (in their anomaly weather maps Figs. 11 and 12) that the heavy rain event over the Beijing region had a direct connection with a tropical cyclone in south China (transporting moisture) and a persistent anomalous blocking in northeast Asia (slowing down northeastward moving low pressure systems). This blocking system is a part of the slow-moving Rossby wave train in the high latitudes, with the alternating positive and negative anomalous height centers clearly visible on the anomaly map (their Fig. 12). Even though such distant connections might be deduced by an experienced meteorologist, it is qualitative on a conventional weather map. It is, however, quantitative for a forecaster to assess how abnormal a field is relative to normal situation (climate) on an anomaly map. 2ff7e9595c